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you say in Your letter, that you thought Bossio's Money was in Bank-- [[underline]] Recollect [[/underline]]--you left here August 22d. and left not a farthing--that day I wanted no marketing 23d-24--those three days the [[museum??]] gave 100 Cents--that day I had to pay Isabella-- and of course had to draw of the bank of the U.S of my own money I had drawn 30 D.. when your note of 30 D.. arrived & same day Bossio gave me 110 Ds When Mama arrived which was November 8th. I gave her 18 dollars wanting 5 Pence half penny--two weeks more would have been three months that we had to use of Bossio's money 92 Dollars--the [[museum??]] gave but little. Mama Intended writing by [Samuel?] Allcock--Thursday--by whom I will send the Dye & a longer letter. I am painting Miniatures at 10Ds. at my own house--[[Patty ?]] will go[[down?]] as soon as possible. My Mother Says you must not forget to [[underline]] get [[/underline]] her a little girl--