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My next will speak more of Capt. Farriere

  T'is late therefore accept the [[above??, love??]] fr your obt. affectionate 
               Son Raphael Peale
NB a lad of Captn. Farrier's was here yesterday 
he said he wanted to go on to New York but wanted money - my mother asked him if he had not a trunk & why he [[would]] not go with the ship (it sails in a day or two to N.Y!) 
He is an artfull fellow - [[underline]] I know him  [[/underlined]] - he has [[? paper torn: deceived ?]] me & [[the ?]] medics - he is under the Captain [[paper torn]] he only wanted to get money of us - [[paper torn]] for the Captain - I shall act discreetly. 

Mr: Farriere's letter is delivered.