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Philadelphia. July 19th 18[[cut off]] John Rand Esq: Dear Sir Your favor [[of?]] the 15th inst. but postmarked yesterday is just received You have stated the size of the portrait (28 x 36) when technically styled kit=kat, and is of no moment, - but have forgotten to say what size you wish the engraving to be. Supposing you desire the work to measure about 5 by 6 1/2 inches, the cost would be about $75 if 6 1/2 by 8 " ----- $100 8 1/2 by 10 1/2 " ---- $150. The cost of the inscription below the portrait is not [[?]] but, not included in the charge for the Portrait. Before stating anything respecting the time [[?]] is needful that I should get some idea of the dimensions you want Yours' respectfully John Sartain