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Washington DC. April 27 1850 Dear Sir Yours of the 20th inst. is duly received; I regret that it is no longer in my power to give you a list of the Birds and other curiosities, which were deposited in the Philadelphia Museum, while I was Manager of that Institution some years since, to the credit of your son Charles, who was then travelling in India. I was absent when the collections were [[strikethrough]] sold [[/strikethrough]] seized, or it would then have been my duty to point out the [[ underlined]] deposits [[/underlined]] of private property like yours sons, when the property of the Museum Company was about to be sold by the Agents of the US Bank. My misfortunes have been so closely identified with those of the Philad' Museum, that I trust you will not suppose me negligent of the obligations due to the friends of that Institution. Your truly Titian R Peale [Jms?] Huffnagle Esqr New Hope, Bucks Co Penn^a