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[[left-hand page]]
unless they are in the Comm Ex [[underlined superscript]]h[[/superscript]].  
   I have made up a list which I think will fully represent me & I find to do so I have been obliged to draw on you for six pictures to make my circle complete.  I have chosen the [[underlined]] Night [[/underline]] moonlight, 20 x 31 - the last picture you bought of me - the [[underlined]] October [[/underline]] 20 x 30 [[superscript, underlined]]in[[/superscript]]. The one with Brown tree & grey sky. The [[underlined]] "[[Winters ?]] Evening" [[/underline]] 20 x 30 The one Halstead [[owned ?]] [[underlined]] The lighted village [[/underline]] 14 x 22--. Evening landscape -- 16 x 24. The one which was awarded the Halgarten prize in 77. & The [[underlined]] Starlight [[/underline]] [[?]] with sheep - also from Halstead. 
   I shall ^[[?]] also about 8 more - yours & Mr. [[Ferris?]]
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[[right-hand page]]
226 West 58th Street,
NEW YORK............18 [[end letterhead copy]]

being the only collection of my work borrowed. [[Ferris ?]] contributed 3 & possibly 4 the others will be collected one each from [[owners ?]]
     Please notify me as early as possible if I have drawn too heavily on your kindness & I will try & substitute others if you do not want so many to go. --
     Most Sincerely yours
     D.W. [[Tiyan ?]]
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