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send to by a [[pony? peny?]] post letter or a Porter. The old Cups & spoons are a Comision from my Wiffe who desires you will be so good as to get her a Silver tea pot of the midle size but rather inclining to ye large & weighty ye fashion she leaves intirely to you only would not have the top with hinges, but to take of. I have sent a sketch of ye arms which I know you wil take care to get done by a good engraver with proper ornaments. I do not expect the old silver wil pay for the tea pott which would have a pretty one. what remains of ye money after paying for those articles and al charges on Board please to lay out in gold leaf.
     I am sory the state of ye Virtu is at so low an ebb. if the arts are about to leave Great Britain I wish they may take their flight into our new world that they may at least remain in some part of the British dominions. remember me to al my old friends among ye Painters. I would willingly have acknowledged your favours by something from this country but can think of nothing worth sending that is our own produce. amongst ye pictures with you my Nephew tells me he thinks you used to like ye [[^Venus, Nymphs &c by]] Poolenburgh. be so good as to accept of that picture to remember me by or any other of the pictures you like except ye Scipio & if there be any of ye drawings that you fancy pray take them. when you write me let me know the state of Painting, who makes a figure & what eminent ones are gone of ye stage. as for my self I have as much as keeps me employed, has my health better than I could have expected, having near 3 years ago recovered from a dangerous ilnes but thank God has had no retrun of it. I am happy in 4 Clever Boys & lives as easily as my friend could wish me, ye affairs of ye shop with my Nephew goes on well. he joins me in respects to your Father & to Messr: Knaptons. I shal not make any further appologys for the trouble now given you only assure you I wil not try your patience every year but only now & then
I am Sir
your most obliged humble 
John Smibert
P.S. please to insure besides ye [[British 150]] on the Pictures &c at your house, [[British Pounds]] 50 more for the money you lay out in al [[British Pounds]] 200. I wish you could send 2 Copies of Pamphlet published by A. Millar entitled as I remember ye Apostles no Enthusiasts by -- Campbell of St. Andrews