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The "sense of goneness" is less but the craving still continues. Will it ever cease? I wonder what sort of a proof you saw -- or where you saw it. I have had great trouble with the printing because our printers do not understand such work. They are accustomed to smearing & dragging ink tints all over a plate & do not comprehend the requirements when a plate gets into their hands where the etcher has done all of the work. I took a few proofs with my own hands - I wish you could see one of them - they are very different from those sent out by the publishers. They have more delicacy of tone and brilliancy. [[end page]] [[start page]] I showed a proof at the last meeting of the Century Club where, for a time, my hunger came near being changed to a surfeit. How dear the praise of the connoisseur is to the professional worker. It more than takes the place of money & [[lots faster?]] no less necessary things. And yet, now that money is mentioned, I must frown as I face certain facts. For Instance -- Mr. Keppel sent to me more than a year ago asking me to give him the lowest price at which I would be willing to make an etching of good size after Winslow Homer's picture "A