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and that too very imperfectly, more especially when I take into consideration, the distance it was removed from the "busy hum of men" and their families, not forgetting also the season it was exhibited in that city -- I am afraid that the dimensions of the new room, which your Academy intend to erect, will not be sufficiently elevated, as the picture of Christ Rejected without it's frame is 18 ft. in height and twenty with it, but perhaps you have not definitively settled the exact proportions of the intended building -- should the plan you mention be carried into effect, I shall be happy to [[meat?]] with the Academy for the occupation of the room, and probably permission might be obtained for having the whole length portrait of my Father placed in it with his picture -- The additional celebrity which it has acquired from having been seen and contemplated by the intellectual classes of society in the United States, must certainly enhance its reputation and value in Europe, but as many persons have expressed a wish that, as the picture is now in this country, some means may be adopted to prevent it's leaving it, (the meaning of which is very obvious) I will confidently assure you that, if a proposition was made to me, such as would confer an additional honor on my Father's memory, I should be tempted to forgo any future emolument, desirable from it's exhibition, and feel happy in knowing that it was honorably