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to show the picture in; I think it is the same size as the old “Source of the  Hudson” which you have and that is the nucleus of the wild landscape which is sunken in;  it is in the town of Newcomb, well known to those who go up to the old [[Andirondack?]] [[?]] or to the Preston Ponds and you must know several members of the club owns those ponds; the large French picture is made from a sketch looking down the River Seine towards the little town of Quilleboeuf, pronounced  Keelbuff, and the little picture is of the [[?]] in the road from Villeneille to Torque, if that is the way to spell it.

I have an impression that as soon as I can get a light to work in I shall be able to make much more rappid progress than I have at any time during the last year; my domestic arrangements are extremely satisfactory and I have a half dozen picture schemes, only one of which is an old timer. Moreover I want to hurry up and get all the work done I can before that period of health and appetite is over; according to the doctors I am about due to peter out, instead of which there seems to be nothing the matter with me but problems of mind.

If the apprecative [[?]] of story [[?]] drying oil doesn’t develop proper qualities in the dull part of that picture it would better be sent back to me.

H.  D. Martin

* While being  [[handatist?]] means that I have only [[20?]]  and no more watches to pawn.