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[[vertical writing over earlier horizontal entry which probably requires special equipment and the actual diary page to transcribe further]] [[new page]] [[vertical]] The population of China was 960,000,000 -- [[^on its[?] see note]] many of the inhabitants found it more economical to live upon the water when the land & the shore were sometimes entire concealed by the multitude of small boats each containing it's respective family. He said it was quite amusing to see the little children with life preservers in the shape of large gourds tied around the neck to keep them from sinking should they fall overboard, the Heaven the earth & the [[?]] the ladies as the [[?]] also [[these?]] [[?]] make an [[?]] for the purpose [[?]] around [[?]] equinox [[end page]] [[new page]] [[vertical]] The successful candidate finds his service [[??] for the better. He may now try for the second degree and should he again succeed become [[disciple?]] to an office [[under?]] government. A third & fourth degree offers further independent for [[??]] & [[strikethrough]] good conduct. [[strikethrough]] The He told us he had lived on a snow [[?]]