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fort in months until the thermometers were above zero
I wonder seriously [[?]]  believe his description
of the hardships of a soldier's life [[we??]]
It's [[??]] [[any that they may c????????? from]]
trying it.

Went to the Dentist with [[Nel?]] read the life of [[?]]
[[?????]] [[Gave]][[???? ????]] [[Had a visit from]]
[[Mr ???????]] he is quite a [[???????]] as ever
but much [[improved]] [[????? of ?????? thee]]
[[???? ???????]] Yellow hair [[???? about all the ???????]]
[[??]] have been makeing [[???? ?????]] this morning
For Earle & his wife were just at home [[???th]] -
[[Mr Hoerne]] & his lady. The [[???????]]
[[??]] Mrs [[Nesbit]] [[\strikethrough]] [[??????????]]
[[????]] as we are getting ready to go with [[Mr]]
[[???? came ?????????????]]

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[[centered and underscored]] Secretary's Office, S.I.
May 21st  Observatorio Meteorologico Lisbon
"     "   Notas Explanativas  1856
June 3rd  Trans. Ed. Phil. Soc. Vol XV

He would like to accompany Dr. [[H?]] when
he goes to [[look?]] for the open sea he is so sure of discovering.  The Scientific club is meeting here to night.  [[strikethough]] [[Dr. Hayden?]][strikethrough]]
[[?]] has been calibrating some electric experiment.
Dr. Hayden had been kind enough
to show us his [[??]] & also
the same [[drawn?]] in pencil [[?]] with
india ink.  They are most exquisite[[??]]
I think I never saw finer [[??]]
done by Mr. _______ of Albany.

Friday 23rd
    I have been sitting up to so late an hour
every night this week that I have not been
able to write any entries in my journal.  On
Tuesday we heard Dr. Gurley twice [[I have?]]
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