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Soldiers Grave. [line] "There rests upon the Soldier's grave, A form so spotless, and so pure, That tears of fond affection lave, To will and make the soul endure." "That sod which binds the narrow cell, Shall bloom with foliage evergreen, The wind, that whistles by, shall tell How brave the tenant once had been." "The widow shall in grief repair, To this, the gloomy field of death, And breath to Him "a broken tear," That gave and withdrew his breath." "The orphan too, shall learn to weep, And seek the land his sire has trod: Where side by side the Heroes sleep, Own'd by their Country and their God." [line] "Life is a shadow -- soon the sun that casts it to the earth, shall set; And man a few brief passes run, His joys and sorrows shall forget. Yet there is hope when life is fled, Of blissful realms and pleasures pure; And in that hope, through life, I've said, "Pour on -- I will endure."" [line]