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Under the Patronage of the Worshipful the Mayor and Aldermen, and under the Direction of a numerous Committee of Gentlemen. 
ROYAL BALLOON ASCENT Postponed. Mr. C. GREEN Respectfully announces to the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of STAMFORD and its Vicinity, that, in consequence of the extremely unfavorable state of the Weather, he has been compelled to POSTPONE making his SIXTIETH ASCENT, with his New, Beautiful, and Stupendous Balloon, (In which he made his late Nocturnal Ascents from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, London,) Until MONDAY, SEPT. 11, 1826, At THREE o'Clock in the Afternoon, When he will ascend from that Commodious Situation, the Gas Inclosure, Stamford. This stupendous Aerostatic Machine is composed of 1080 Yards of Silk, in alternate Colors of Crimson and Gold, and its dimensions and appearance when fully inflated cannot fail to excite the admiration and astonishment of every beholder: it contains 136,380 Gallons of Gas, and when the Car is attached its height is 62 Feet. Should the Day prove Calm, A PARACHUTE, Containing a LIVING ANIMAL, will be Launched from the Car, which will descend safety within the Inclosure. N.B. On this occasion, it is expected Mr. GREEN will be accompanied by a Lady or Gentlemen well known in Stamford and the Neighbourhood. Many hundreds of Persons having ascended with Mr. GREEN to a given height during the confinement of the Machine by ropes, at York, Worcester, Warwick, Newcastle, Shrewsbury, and at his late Nocturnal Ascents from London, it is Mr. GREEN'S intention, should the Weather permit, to practise the same on this occasion. A BAND of MUSIC will be stationed within the Inclosure. Tickets of Admission, to witness the process of Inflation, attaching the Car, and launching the Balloon, 2s. 6d. each, may be had of Messrs. DHAKARD and WILSON, Mr. ROOE, and Mr. MORTLOCK, High-street; of Mr. BEECHENO, St. Mary's-street; and of Mr. GREEN, at Mrs COLE'S, Assembly-room.--Mr. G. requests that those Ladies and Gentlemen who intend to honor him with their Company will provide themselves with Tickets, to prevent Delay at the Doors. For the Accommodation of Ladies, Seats will be provided, and a Number of Waggons placed within the Inclosure.--Children and Schools will be admitted at Half-price.--The Doors will be opened and the Inflation commence at Twelve o'Clock. NEWCOMB AND SON, PRINTERS. [[end page]]

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Mr. GREEN ascended in his magnificent balloon from Stamford, on Monday last, accompanied by two young gentlemen from that place. The ascent was very delightful, and being a clear day, the balloon was seen in its course S.E. at the distance of many miles round. It descended near Whittleseamere, and the parties returned to Stamford the same evening. [[handwritten]] 11 5 [[?]] 1826]] [[/handwritten]]
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[[start page]] [[handwritten]] Sept. 11 1826 [[/handwritten]]
Mr. Green, accompanied by a young lady named Spooner, ascended in his balloon, at Bolton, in Lancashire on Monday last. He descended in safety at Chadderton, near Oldham. [[end page]]

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TICKET TO WITNESS Preparatory Arrangements ATTENDANT ON MR. GREEN'S ASCENT. [[image air balloon labeled Green]]
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[[image air balloon labeled coronation ball]] Mr. Green's Ascent. ADMISSION TICKET. [[end page]]

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[[image air balloon labeled GREEN]]
Admission Ticket
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