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[[image--map of Bristol Channel]] The dotted line shews the course of the balloon [[end page]] [[start page]] Balloon. An Authentic Account of The Aerial Voyage of Messrs. Sadler and Clayfield, who ascended in a most magnificent balloon From a Field in the Neighbourhood of Stoke's-Croft, Bristol, On Monday, September 24th, 1810. To which is annexed, a plan of the Bristol Channel, Shewing its Course, and Place of Descent. The Second Edition, With Corrections and Additions, from the Memoranda of the AEronauts. ---Quis crederet unquam Aerius homines carpere posse vias? Printed for the benefit of Mr. Sadler, by A. Brown, at the Mirror Office, Bristol. Sold by all the Booksellers--Price One Shilling.