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[[Black and white cartoon-like image of a man walking over crossed swords with various accoutrements attached to and around his person, one of them a highly decorated balloon]]

[[end page]]

[[start page]]
The Public are requested to take Notice, that a Clear and Entertaining Description of that wonderful Invention, as it is to be launched and navigated at Chelsea gardens by CHEVALIER DE MORET, is given at large in
Or, The Magical Companion;
(Published this Day,Price only Eighteen-pence)
CONTAINING all that is curious, pleasing, entertaining and comical, selected from the most celebrated Masters of Deception; as well with Slight of Hand as with Mathematical Inventions: including all the various Exhibitions of those wonderful Artists, Breslaw, Sieur Comus, Jonas &c. The Interpretation of Dreams, Signification of Moles, &c with a selection of all the favourite new Songs sung this season at Vauxhall &c, Riddles, and Bon Motts: The Whole forming a Book of real Knowledge in the Art of Conjuration.
In which is displayed the Way to make
LONDON: Printed for T. Moore,No.33, Pater-noster Row; Cavell, Middle Row, Holborn; McQuaen, Exeter 'Change, Strand; Sudbury, Tooley Street, Borough; Cattermoul, No.376, Oxford Street; Piguenit, n.8 Aldgate: Egerton, Charing Cross; and all other Booksellers in Town and Country.
+ยง+ In this ingenious Performance is more particularly described than in any other Publication of a similar Nature,
how to make the Air Balloon, so that the Curious may amuse themselves and Friends by displaying them either in public or private.

^[[155 - handwritten in pencil in bottom corner of page]]