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The balloon, after having attained a considerable altitude, reached terra firma in a meadow belonging to a gentleman named Bennett, two miles beyond Epping, on the Newmarket road. Mr. Gypson was accompanied by Mr. Brading, the proprietor of the gardens, and it was almost half-past two yesterday morning before the descent took place. The atmosphere was intensely damp and dense, and on their descending no soul was visible at that early hour in the morning. The succeeded, however, in awakening the landlord of a house some little distance from the spot, by whom they were treated with kindness. Mr. Gypson and his companion reached town about half-past five yesterday morning, and on the whole had a most agreeable trip. [[hand written on bottom ^[[Herald 5 June 1839]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Apollo Saloon, YORKSHIRE STINGO. MR. GYPSON, THE AERONAUT, Will make his First Ascent from the Grounds of this Establishment, On Tuesday, June 18th, In a New Magnificent Gigantic Balloon, TO BE ENTITLED [[sideways text on left side of image]] THE HERO OF [[image - middle of page between text on both sides. Large balloon with person's on left and right, each having flags waving on both sides]] [[sideways text on right side of image]] Waterloo!! To commemorate the numerous Victories achieved by the Veteran Soldier, His Grace the Duke of Wellington. _______________ A MILITARY BAND! The Anglo Bedouin Arabs!!! A VARIETY OF ENTERTAINMENTS, Grand Display of Fireworks. _______________ Admission to the Ground, 1s. Grounds open at 2 o'clock. Balloon Ascent at 6 precisely. Mullin, Printer, 2, Circus Street, New Road. [[end page]] [[start page]] ROYAL STANDARD TAVERN And Pleasure Grounds, SHEPHERDESS WALK, CITY ROAD. [[image - double arrow graphic]] Licensend pursurant to Act of Parliament of the 25th of King George the Second. H. BRADING, PROPRIETOR. _______________________ [[image - large balloon graphic with two ladies each with hats and flags on each side of balloon basket]] NIGHT BALLOON! The universal satisfaction expressed by the immense number of adults and Gentlemen who witnessed the last Night Ascent at these Gardens, has induced the proprietor to make arrangements for another grand Ascent with Mr. GYPSON's ROYAL STANDARD BALLOON, Which will take place on MONDAY, July 22. AT TEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT, ^[[1839]] The whole under the Direction of the celebrated AEronaut, Mr. GREEN, Who will discharge a magnificent Display of Fireworks from the Car. __________________________ THE ENTERTAINMENTS WILL CONSIST OF A GRAND CONCERT __________________________ THE FLYING ARAB On the CORDE VOLANTE! Surrounded by Fire-Works. __________________________ ENGLISH JIM CROW! __________________________ Wonderful Feats of the LAURENT FAMILY! Old-English Morris Dance. Dance of all Nations, Mrs. Andrews __________________________ The much admired Ballet of Action, DON JUAN: Or, the Spanish Libertine. Don Juan Mr. TAYLOR Scaramouch, Abdel Laurent. Don Guzman. Mr. Surmer. IN THE COURSE OF THE BALLET THE TABLEAUX OF THE MURDER OF DON GUZMAN. EQUESTRIAN STATUE. Storm at Sea and Shipwreck, INTERNAL REGIONS. DESTRUCTION OF DON JUAN In Showers of Real Fire. _________________________ The whole under the Direction of Mr. T. Jones, (The celebrated & Comic Sin[missing letter g?]er and Comedian) _________________________ TO CONCLUDE WITH A GRAND DISPLAY OF FIRE-WORKS! The Gardens will be brilliantly Illuminated with various Coloured Lamos. _________________________ Admission, One Shilling. Doors open at FIVE - commence at SIX. _________________________ Parsonage, Printer, 2, Wilderness Row, Goswell-st. [[end page]]