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Engl. Sps. H.Wren
Starlings 2 Downy ♂ ♀
Cardinals Chickadee
2P. Martin ♂ Ch Swifts

4-27-65 Tues. 49°-60° [[23 np?]]
Extremely heavy overcast
-rain began 8:45 A.M.
   Downy ♀♂       Jays
   Titmice        Doves
   Chickadees     Mockers
   Cardinals      Engl. Sps.
   Robins         [[?]]
   Catbird        Starlings
   Thrasher       H. Wren
   Song Sps.    * Wood Thrush
 ✓ Flicker nearby (singing in woods)
  White-thr. (bright ♂) ✓ Ch. Swifts
 * [[?]] [[?]]    Cowbirds
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P. Martin   Bobwhite
[[underline]]4-28-65[[/underline]] - Wed.
Overcast - rain last night
- stopping in early hours.
   Goldfinches   Jays
   Catbirds      Downy ♂♀
   Thrasher     Ch. Swifts
   Mockers      Field Sp. ♂
   Cardinals    H. Wren
   Song Sps.   ✓Towhee ♂
   Engl. Sps.   Chickadees
   Doves        2 Titmice
   2 Crows

[[underline]]4-29-65[[/underline]] Thurs ^[[Sue Loma [[Fn?]] John Catherine Slattery Peggy]]
H. Wren    ^[[Sunny]]
  Catbird      Towhee
  Robin        Mockers
  Cardinals    Song Spa.
  Jays         2 Cowbirds
  4 Ch. Swifts  1 Crow
  Barn Swallow  Engl.Spa.
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