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[[start page]] [[preprinted]]20[[/preprinted]] Puerto Rico 20 [[underline]]Station 63.[[/underline]] 5 kilometers north of Ciales on road to Manati. Edge of a large river [[^]](Rio Manati)[[/^]]. Under pebbles & flying. Came home through Manati and Vega Baja. [[underline]]Station 64.[[/underline]] Kilometer 32, [[^]](from Manati)[[/^]] on road from Ciales to Villalba. Sifting in deep leaves in a gully. Several species of [[^]](41)[[^/]] Staphs and some other beetles. This is the first good place I've found for sifting. [[notation in left margin]] X-13-35 [[/notation]] Sunday. Mr. Oivrey brought in a vial with a specimen of [[underline]]Philonthus[[/underline]], from Mills. It is probably correctly associated with this data: At light, Bayamon, P.R.; May 15, 1932; Mssrs. Lasesnes & Anderson. We went out into the back yard to look at a large almendro (almond tree). The fruits were plentiful and decaying, but no Staphs were found. In a toadstool I took three Staphs. [[underline]]Station 65[[/underline]]. Vicinity of Olimpo Court Apts., Santurce, P.R. Various days. A Scarab dead on sidewalk. A firefly in grass. Several things flying to light in the room. Fungus today. The other day Mills showed me a list of the genera of Staphs sent in from P.R. and identified by the Museum. W = listed in the [[end page]] [[start page]] [[folded map inserted over all but the final four lines of notes. ]] some filing cards (1000 3x5 for 1.25), and made reservations at the Bull Insular Line for our passage to St. Thomas on Thursday, the 17[[superscript]]th.[[/superscript]] The tickets will be ready on Wednesday. [[end page]]