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men & keeps stage station with usually one or two or three or more [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] passengers to meals & to stay over night.

The snow has settled so the sage brush comes up through it in places.  Both [[underline]] Artemisia tridentata [[/underline]] and [[underline]] cana [[/underline]] are fully evergreen as also [[underline]] Atriplex confertifolia [[/underline]]. The tips of [[underline]] Bigelovia [[/underline]] are covered with evergreen bark that the rabbits eat extensively.

[[underline]] March 23. [[/underline]]  A moderately cold morning, probably about zero.  Drove on to Big Piney - 18 miles- and located at hotel. Got mail, wrote letters
Warmed up and thawed through middle of day. Saw coyote tracks in pairs 3 or 4 pairs.  A big dog at ranch caught a coyote, an old [[symbol for female]] containing 9 half developed embryos.  Snow about 2 feet deep.