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Naumkeng Trading Co from Salem. No 11..12 in this mess [[strikethrough]] 11 1/12 [[/strikethrough]] mostly from Nashua No 16. 11 1/2 from the Bay State in general and no where in particular this comprises the whole and the accomodations will be seen to be superior to any other craft bound for the Gold regions Lat 7"49 Lon 31"00

Thursday March 1st
At ten o'clock this morning a Sail was discovered about three points on our lee bow, no sooner was the word Sail ho passed round than the excitement commenced, we laid off before the wind to speak her which the Stranger perceived and immediately bore down for us - Hurrah, there goes the Stars and Stripes. what a thrill of pleasuarable excitement it creates. to see our countrys flag so far from home we near her fast and the old Salts recognize her as a whaleman, here She is and our Captain hails in the usual way, Ship ahoy, holloa is answered back, what ship is that, the Milo bound for New Bedford, will you come on board presently he replies and commences lowering a boat. All is now excitement aboard our Ship. all hands running to procure writing materials every one is occupied and by the time he got aboard 197 letters were deposited in a box, to be sent from the Captain of the Milo a smart intelligent fello about thirty five years old and six of his crew are aboard us and gracious how they round why the Tom Thumb and the Belgian Giant at the Boston Museum never created half the excitement that these yankee whalemen do The Sailors are furnished with papers Books tobacco &c and they are asked all sorts of questions with regard to California. they State that three months ago five tons of gold had been carried out Sandwich Islands while they lay there, and that they spoke the Josephine yesterday -