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   it is possible that our most Sanguine expectations may be realised having remained on board Some hour or more they took their departure with nine hearty cheers from the passengers and crew of the Capitol which was returned from the boat and Ship, Lat. 9 " 45 Lon - 

Friday 2nd
The weather to day is beautiful with a gentle breeze from the S.E. we have all Sail Set and are making fine progress. Sail Ho - where away - Same direction as the one seen yesterday She is a Yankee and heading for us She nears us faster with top Sails back we hail her and ask where She is from and where bound - the [[Colchiss?]] from Valparaiso and bound for Boston, the usual questions are asked & answered, and we part to Sail oer Silent Seas again in the afternoon the Atlantic debating Society held a meeting and the question discuss was which has the most influence over Man, Woman or Gold the Women carried the day as usual, these discussions cause a good deal of amusement and laughter. and cause the time to pass very pleasantly. Several auction Sales were held during the day, and in the evening a dance on deck closed the day. Lat. 12"19" Lon 31"37"

Saturday 3d
Our Ship to day looks Splendidly like a floating Castle of Canvass every Sail being Set. things are rather dull to day nothing to create excitement -
Lat-14"35" Lon -

Sunday 4th
Religious Services were held at the usual hours which were continued in the afternoon by Capt A he read a chapter from proverbs wherin David cautions his Son Solomon to resist temptation and impressing upon him the importance of obtaining Wisdom, Capt A cautioned his fellow passengers against the dangers they would be