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Saturday 17th
After a week of trouble and suspense we have again weighd anchor and are on our way out of the harbour in company with some fifteen or twenty other sail, we had much difficulty in getting out oweing to the light wind and strong current. I was much disappointed in having nearly the whole of them beat us out well pay them ere they double the Horn.

Sunday 18th
Light wind this afternoon and we were becalmed all night, land still in sight and more anxiety to get away from here than there was to get in. The presumption is that most of the loose change is gone, for Rum Lemons, Oranges, Chocolate, for every  vacant Corner between deck is crowded with these things, five p.m. a breeze is spinning up and the old Craft begins to move once more and of the fleet that saild in company with us is close by and we are nearing her fast.

Monday 19th
We are again in the continue of sea life, the wind fair and the weather beautiful, providence smiling on us, good heath and a general degree of satisfaction prevails throughout, there are two sails in sight on the same course that we are Lat 25"00 Lon 49"30.

Tuesday 20th
Wind and weather still fair, we have beat one of the sails we saw yesterday, and one of them has beat us, an even thing as the fellow said when he jumped once over the ditch and then into it. The dance has again commenced and they are going it on deck Lat 28"08 Lon 00"00