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Thursday 28th

The wind has moderated Some and we can carry Top and top gallant Sails we are heading S.S.E. towards night the wind changed a little from the E. and we lay our Course which S.S.W. about 6 Knots per hour. It seemed as though Babel had again broke forth between decks for of all the unearthly noises that were ever heard we beat the whole.  Lat 41"21  Lon 56"21

Friday 29th
Today has been very comfortable the wind fair, and the old Ship pitches into it beautifully at the rate of Seven Knots, There has nothing transpired to day to create the least excitement, and it has been unusually dull. Lat 43"21 Lon 00"00.

Saturday 30th
There was considerable grumbling this morning in consequence of the Shortness of Sail, on the Ship the low State of the Barometer indicating a coming Storm, caused the officers to be very cautious how they carried Sail. The atmosphere was clear during the day, in the afternoon we Spread Some more Sail and went on our way much rejoiced  Lat 45"52  Lon 58"08

Sunday April 1st
Several attempts at fool making were tried this morning which did not succeed, about ten o clock the wind began to blow, a gale as had been previously expected, and we had to lay to, notwithstanding the raging of the waves and the rolling and pitching of the vessel The jest and laugh is kept up at any unfortunate wight who happened to measure his length on deck of which there happened to be many, at nine a m the wind moderated and we made Sail, travelling along nine Knots  Lat 57"23 Lon 58"10