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by the Captain informing them it is Slaten Land and if the wind had hold favourable it was the intention of the Captain to have gone through the Straits of Lemaire, the General captured a porpoise dressed him nicely, and now the Subject is which do you go in for porpoise or Duff.

Tuesday April 10th
The first Salutation that greeted my ears this morning after I turned up was that it was a d---d nasty trick. what is it. why Some evil and malicious disposed person or persons, throwed the porpoise over board last night and the way they are getting prayed fo to day will Send them to any place but Heaven, we had Some head Squalls again last night and this morning a good breeze and plenty of Sail, and a probability of fetching up some where, Spoke to day the Brig Cordelia of N.Y. She Saild from Rio the day after we left there, we are very near Cape Horn if we dont have to travel, back again, Lat"55"9--

Wednesday April 11th
We have had a most glorious run last night. and untill eight this morning, when she commenced pipeing again, none of your frog pond blows but a regular Cape horn gale, Scissors how she blows we soon has her under close reefd top Sails and the word was let her go it, I began to despair of having any thing in Shape of fun or excitement, when a tremendous Se struck us and swept the decks fore and aft, tumbling down the after hatch in torrents and deluging all who happened to be in that vicinity, one unfortunate named Morvill of Nashua happened to be coming down at the time and the torrent of water Striking him all over, he opened his mouth as well as his eyes to look up for the Cause when a second dose took him right on the top and he Jumpd to avoid a repitition of the Same, and he opened his mouth and Spake, and Such a pouring forth of language, I thought he never