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he intended to edify us to day, the only perceptible difference to be observed is that the passengers abstain from their usual games of Whist Gammon Checquers &c, they are all engaged in talking, laughing, joking and discussing the possibilities and the probabilities of getting round Cape Horn the time we shall arrive at Valparaiso and other incidents in connexion with the voyage and while they are thus engaged I have been thinking what a strange compound of human nature a real live Yankee is, he will sacrifice life health, comfort, ease and the endearments of friends and Home for what, gold, gold, the almighty dollar is his God he worships it and it alone  Lat 57" Lon 69"21"

Monday April 16th,
After knocking about all night  becalmed, with our sails flapping back and forth we have a fair wind once more, and  have made all sail, a Brig and Ship are in sight, the weather is still cool and uncomfortable, and we shall be glad to get farther north if nothing more than to have some warmer weather, along comes the appointed purser of the ship Mr F. his father is one of the firm of Hardhead and Co Boston and to get rid of this wild crack braned youth he sends him to Calafornia as Purser of the Ship Capitol he never has acted as Purser dreading to displease the passengers and a specimen of the treatment he would probably receive again was exhibited to him the first part of the voyage, such as putting a pig in to bed with him, throwing a slip noose round his neck and threatening to throw him overboard, for having Said some shoulders that were opened were too good for the second Cabin passengers, Mr F has a pretty considerable share of destructiveness for he is now in all kind of mischief, one of the by J-s breed a regular bore for when he talks he jumps at his words and lets go again to get a better hold as a little dog will jump at the end of a rope and let go again to get a better hold -

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