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taking place they seem to have forgotten for a time their ideas of gold and have aboned themselves to raising the devil in general

Thursday May 24th
Turned up this morning and had a good bath, partook of breakfast of boild potato and pork. The former article we had been deprived of since we left Rio and a small supply was procured at Valparaiso The wind is rather light and though out ship is crowded with sail we do not move very fast
We think notwithstanding the Pharsalia will have to pull heels to catch us, the Commander of the above craft was much chagrined because Capt Procter obtained water previous to the Pharsalia, and he threatened to beat the Capitol any way, in connexion the P was the craft that refused to answer our signal off Staten Land and the only reason Ive heard assigned was that the Captain of the P felt pigued because we beat him Latitude 21"40 Longitude 77"09

Friday May 25th
The programe of business is now made up, brushing up Shooting Irons, Scraping powder horns making tents and those not occupied as above are strewd round the decks Lounging and prophecying on the lat & long Ding Dong bell Gunners bring up your pepper boxes and come get your vinagre, So says Paul, not the apostle but the Steward, and the Captains of the messes may be seen wending their way to the galley with a junk bottle in one hand and a pepper box in the other Ding Dong again pickles gammen, go it Captains my time is out. Ding ding again goes the bell and down rush the loafers and up goes the Captains for the stewed beans and pork it is really laughable to see the rush round the galley waiting for their turn to come, there being 16 messes they take turns in being first No 1 to day and No 16 tomorrow
Latitude 20"07 Longitude 78"42

Transcription Notes:
pigued - a feeling of wounded pride