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[[underlined]] Chapter XIV. [[/underlined]]   289.

mit. Also, at the hamlet of Hsi Ssŭ-erh Ts'un 西寺兒村, half way up the flank of the plateau, he had found quarters for our party at a temple known locally as the Hsi Ssŭ-erh Ssŭ 西寺兒寺---said to be a Ming foundation renovated in Ch'ing times---and had struck up a friendship with its resident priest. [[superscript]] (263) [[/superscript]] He had also met the village head-
[[superscript]] (263) [[/superscript]] In China, travelers quite commonly find accommodation at way-side temple-monasteries, just as they once did at the monasteries of medieval Europe.
man and elders, and had learned more about the site from them. Among other things, they had told him that a couple of years previously, grave-robbers had broken through the outer door (of stone) of the great tomb. Before they could force its inner door, however, they had been frightened away by its supernatural guardians; so that as far as Mr. Tung's inform-ants knew, its contents were still intact. [[superscript]] (264) [[/superscript]] The villagers had likewise
[[superscript]] (264) [[/superscript]]  The late Dr. V. K. Ting subsequently told me that he doubted very much whether a single important tomb in China, with the exception of that of T'ang T'ai-tsung (already noted; see page 113 and note 91), had escaped being plundered at least once.
told him that when we dug into the tumulus we must beware of automatic crossbows, set up to shoot tomb-robbers (among whom they of course classed us). It was interesting to find this belief still alive in a remote hill-village of northern Shansi, at the present day; I recalled that it had likewise been mentioned by the historian Ssŭ-ma Ch'ien in his account written over 2000 years ago, of the construction of the great burial-mound of the "First Emperor", Ch'in Shih Huang Ti. [[superscript]] (265) [[/superscript]]
 [[superscript]] (265) [[/superscript]] [[underlined]] Shih chi [[/underlined]], chapt. VI, fol. 25-a.
   In general, Mr. Tung reported that he had found the villagers very friendly and helpful, and that he foresaw no obstacles in the way of our doing as much digging as we liked.