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2 material relating thereto, be referred to a Subcommittee of three with power. Mr. Kelsey, Chairman, Mr. Freer, and Mr. Walcott were appointed. V. That the following five subjects, mentioned in the list handed in by Mr. Warner, represent material the publication of which should be made only under the authority of this Committee: 1. Discussion of the stone implements collected by Dr. Couling in the Northern part of Kiangsu Province, with parallels from the neoliths of other countries. 2. Inscribed "oracle bones" from Honan Province, with a list of the animals represented and characters found. A discussion of the three different scripts. Notice of the color pigment. The pottery fragment said to have been found with the bones. The stone implements said to have been found with the bones, their probable purpose and period with parallels from the neoliths of other countries. (Illustrated) 3. The grottos of Wan Fo T'ang in Manchuria, with a dicussion of the sculpture. (Illustrated) 4. The Grottos of Kung Hsien in Honan Province, with a dicussion of the sculpture. (Illustrated) 5. Four T'ang pagodas in Manchuria, with a discussion of the terra cotta reliefs. (Illustrated) VI. That the report by Mr. Warner be accepted and that after he shall have made certain additions which have been considered today, his responsibility to the Committee be considered ended, and that the most sincere thanks of the Committee be extended to Mr. Warner for his excellent work. VII. That the accounts submitted by Mr. Warner be accepted and approved and be kept on file. VIII. That the Committee request Mr. Warner at this earliest convenience to complete the preparation of the papers mentioned in the foregoing list. Mr. Warner thanked the Committee for its considerate reception of his report. Adjourned at 3:30 p.m. (signed) Mitchell Carroll Secretary pro tempore