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09.402 "Upland Hog-peanut" [[underlined]] Indiana [[/underlined]] : Plymouth. Horstmeyer's Woods. "In dry woods - scanty in fruit bears white flowers." Oct. 17, '09

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09.403 Phyllocactus hookeri 4 9420 [[underlined]] West Indies [[/underlined]] : Tobago Charlotte Villa W.E Broadway Sept. 18, '09

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09.404 Selaginella Bigelovii lind 9421 [[/underlined]] California [[/underlined]] : cultivated at National City, - Sand Diego Co., by Miss Laura F. Kimball; (transplanted there from Mission Dam in Feburary 1907) W.R.M

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09.405 Opuntia § Platyop 1 9422 [[underlined]] New Mexico [[/underlined]] ; Fairview E.A. Goldman #1781 Oct. 18, 09

09.406 Opuntia 1 #1782

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09.407 Dudleya farmiosa fl. cream color 3 9428 [[underlined]] California [[/underlined]] - Carmel Bay, rock crevice along shore. LeRoy Abrams #4268 Aug. 17 - 19, '09

09.408 Dudleya fl. yellow 1 Carmel Bay, bluffs along sea-shore #4269 Aug. 17, '09

09.409 Dudleya Helleri? fl. yellow 1 ded 2. Near Carmel on cañon slopes #4270 Aug. 17, 09

09.410 Dudleya 1 Pecadero bluffs along shore #4272 Aug. 2, 09

Transcription Notes: - note on Miss Laura F. Kimball Census details for Laura Kimball