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10.51 Mamillaria micromeris greggii (7 plants) [[underlined]] F.E. Lloyd [[/underlined]] #10. Said by Lloyd to be "a [[guaisule?]] state of no. 8." 10.52 Mamillaria (10 plants) Lloyd #11 10.53 Opuntia (Platy op.) (2 pieces of 2 joints each) " #12 10.54 Mam. ? (1 plant) " 13 10.55 Echinoe (2 plants) " 17 10.56 Mam. ? (3 plants) " 19 10.57 Mamillaria (1 plant) #20 10.58 Ariocarpus? (3 plants) #21 [[line across pages]] 10.59 Opuntia tracyi Britton 1 dead destroyed 9554 [[underlined]] Mississippi [[/underlined]] : Biloxi (sandy beach 50 yds. from the Gulf. S.M Tracy. Mch. 1910. [[line across pages]] 10.60 Mamillaria (cespitose, 3 plants together). 9555 [[underlined]] Texas [[/underlined]] : Sweetwater? Mrs John F. Paret, Mch. 1910. 10.61 Echinocact. 1 dead destroyed. (1 plant) " 10.62 Opuntia 1 sp. ded. (1 plant, juvenile) " 10.63 Mamillaria (1 plant; dead?) " [[line across pages]] 10.64 [[strikethrough]] Tradercactia [[/strikethrough]] Neotreleasia "(Flowered at NY Bot. Garden. April 1910. Flowers rose - purple) " Nash [[underlined]] Mexico. [[/underlined]] Dr. Palmer. (Received back from New York Bot. Garden. This Rose 07/213.