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11.93 Cereus (dwarf) ([[underined]] Seeds [[/underlined]]) [[underlined]] Chile: [[/underlined]] Sent by J.T. Bearss from the University of California July 4, 1911

11.94 " " [[dittos for: Cereus (dwarf) ([[underined]] Seeds [[/underlined]]) [[underlined]] ]]

11.95 " " [[dittos for: Cereus (dwarf) ([[underined]] Seeds [[/underlined]]) [[underlined]] ]]

11.96 " " [[dittos for: Cereus (dwarf) ([[underined]] Seeds [[/underlined]]) [[underlined]] ]]

11.97 " " [[dittos for: Cereus (dwarf) ([[underined]] Seeds [[/underlined]]) [[underlined]] ]]

11.98 Opuntia vulgaris " [[ditto for:([[underined]] Seeds [[/underlined]])

11.99 Opuntia 1 destr. [[underlined]] Florida [[/underlined]]

11.100 Cereus 1 destr. [[underlined]] Chili [[/underlined]]

[[line across pages]]

11.101 Opuntia kleiniae ? [[underlined]] New Mexico [[/underlined]] near Agricultrual College P.C. Standley 7/4/11

[[line across pages]]

11.102 Echinocereus [[underlined]] New Mexico [[/underlined]], Sandia Mts Collected by Paul Elles in 1910.