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11.250 Mamillaria #8 11.251 " [[ditto for: Mamillaria]] #9 [[line across pages]] 11.252 Mamillaria pusilla [[strikethrough]] 10022 [[/strikethrough]] √ N.Y.Bot.Gard. 10825. "Rec'd. from Dept. of Parks, Bronx, N.Y., in 1902" (Letter of N.L. Britton of 10/23/11) [[line across pages]] 11.253 [[strikethrough]] Phyllocactus [[/strikethrough]] Wittia panamensis. √ (Herb. sp. N.Y.) [[underlined]] Panama [[/underlined]] Mts. above Chepo. H. Pittier #4571 Oct. 15, 1911 [[line across pages]] 11.254 Nolina texana B.A.J 9966 [[underlined]] New Mexico [[/underlined]], Albuqerque. Marion Imes "extends over the _ _ _ eastern part of New Mexico." Oct. 16, 1911 [[line across pages]] 11.255 Euphorbia 9972 [[underlined]] Mexico [[/underlined]], Coahuila, 15 miles East and north of Tlahuila, Durango. E. Chaffey #48. Oct. 8, 1911. 11.256 Mamillaria denudata (Same locality as above) #49 (cf #36) 11.257 " [[ditto for: Mamillaria]] [[image - arrow]] Durango, near Lerdo, (originally.) Cult. in garden several years. #50 (cf. #19)