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weather very nice. sunny and not very hot Should reach Smokies this evening Bought about $2.00 of grub yesterday and about $2.00 previously unlisted. Trail very rugged, over every hump on the ridge, then suddenly dropped to valley for several miles. Arrived at leanto at dusk. Two ex navy men there, one is the fellow who started out Easter Sun. Both using Mt. troop packs. [[blue line]]_______________ They left before me in morning but I caught up and decided to string along for the [[circled date, blue pencil]] 18 [[/blue date]] rest of the day. Both just out of navy and [[circled date, black pencil]] 18 [[/black date]] okey Joes. [[end page]] [[start page]] We dropped down toward valley and took pictures of the reservoir, passed boat house and throng of autos. Passed Fontana dam TVA about 11:00 A.M. took 2 pictures. Trail followed ridges after leaving town of Fontana. Arrived about 5:00 at Topoca, a resort town, everybody about worn out. I shaved by river, then went to postoffice and mailed home tent. Bought ice cream and candy, about 50ยข. Went to grocery store 1 1/2 miles up road and bought $1:00 worth supplies. Started from Topoca and camped on mt. [[blue line]] _________________________ followed trail up to Parsons Bald, took flower pictures and 1 trail picture. [[circled date, black pencil]] 19 [[/black date]] [[circled date, blue pencil, second digit overwritten. originally 18, changed]] 19 [[/blue date]] Took picture of Gregory