This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
466 Linwood Hill July 22 1887 467 " " " [[ditto for: Linwood Hill July]] 25 " [[ditto for: 1887]] [male symbol] Papilio asterias 468 " " " " [[ditto for: Linwood Hill July 25 1887]] =1483 469 " " " " [[ditto for: Linwood Hill July 25 1887]] =480 470 " " " " [[ditto for: Linwood Hill July 25 1887]] Plusia simplex 471 " " " [[ditto for: Linwood Hill July]] 26 " [[ditto for: 1887]] Gortyna nictitan [female symbol] 472 " " " " [[ditto for: Linwood Hill July 26 1887]] Cucullia asteroides 473 " " " " [[ditto for: Linwood Hill July 26 1887]] Limenitis ursula 474 GH Hudson Porrentury, Berne, Switz^[erland] Vanessa uritcae 475 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Porrentury, Berne, Switz^[erland]]] Satyrus briseis [male symbol] 476 " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson]] Plattsburgh N.Y. Callimorpha lecontei 477 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Arctia [[Saundersii?]] 478 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Phragmatobia [[rubricrea?]] 479 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Halesidota maculata 480 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Notodonta stragula 481 " " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y. Notodonta]] ferruginea 482 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Harpyia occidentalis 483 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Pseudothyatria cymatop^[[poroides]] 484 " " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y. Pseudothyatria]] expultrix 485 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Gonophora scripta 486 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Arsilonche albovenosa 487 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Raphia frater 488 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Acronycta morula 489 " " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y. Acronycta]] innolata 490 " " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y. Acronycta]] vinnula 491 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Agrotis scandens 492 " " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y. Agrotis]] munaenula 493 " " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y. Agrotis]] ridimicula 494 " " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y. Agrotis]] inermis = ypsilon 495 " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y.]] Mamestra nimbosa 496 " " " " " [[ditto for: GH Hudson Plattsburgh N.Y. Mamestra]] lorea
Transcription Notes:
"Vanessa uritcae" (line 474) is likely a misspelling of Vanessa urticae.
"Agrotis munaenula" (line 492) is likely a misspelling of Agrotis muraenula.