Viewing page 23 of 398

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652 Linwood Hill Aug 20 1887
653 " "  Aug 21 "
654 " " " 
655 " " " Agrotis subgothica
656 Livingstons "
657 "  "
658 Linwood Hill Aug 22 "
659 " " " "
660 " " " " = 1967
661 " " " " = 1483
662 " " " Aug 23 "
663 " " " " Spilosoma virginica
664 " " " " Pempelia contatella Grote
665 " " " " = 745
666 " " " " Pamphila ?
667 " " Aug 24 " Plemyria fluviata(BSNH)
668 G.H Hudson 406 Plattsburgh N.Y Pamphila zabulon
669 " 411 " " " pocahontas [[underlined]] var [[/underlined]]
670 " 2325 " " " leonardus
671 " 384 " " Thecla niphon
672 " 386 " " " augustus
673 " 1954 " " Helia americalis
674 " 1170 " " Lobophora vernata
675 " 1179 " "  " geminata
676 " 3020 " " Caripeta angustiorana
677 " 1171 " " Logogramma desertata
678 " 1794 " " Than. argillacearia
679 " 1473 " " Phasiane Trifasciata
680 " 2010 " " Macaria bisignata
681 " 1477 ^[[1591]] " " Zonosoma myrtaria
682 Linwood Hill Aug 24 "