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14 Feby 23rd 1843 } Information from Mr. Quinby Mr. Quinby informes me that with an insulated lighting rod of copper 90 feet in height, terminated at the top by several points and connected with an insulated conductor below - and near the latter a ball connected with the ground to receive the discharge, he [[overstrike]] puts [[end overstrike]] has observed several times that when the pith balls connected with the [[overstrike]] pith balls [[end overstrike]] end of the rod exhibited no signs of electricity, and when a flash was observed at the distance of several miles, a spark passed between the end of the rod and the communication with the ground. In some cases, two sparks were observed in rapid succession with the same flash. He observed this for the first time in 1837. Feby 23 1843. The fact of the two sparks is in accordance with my new news of the action of the discharge of a Leyden jar. In connection with this subject the idea has just occurred to me that the several discharges in succession which may be observed in the discharge of a cloud, may in part at least be due to the reflex action of the electrical induction. [[end page]] [[start page]] March 5th 1843 15 Made a number of experiments today on the phosphorogence emination. 1st found that it would pass through a cup of water, the bottom of the cup was formed of a plate of quartz, and the sides of beeswax. 2nd It also passes through salt a plate of this mineral nearly half an inch thick, was placed over the paper box or tray in which the phosphorous was placed, the luminosity was as intense as if only air intervened between the spark and the substance. 3rd A plate of thin transparent mica was next interposed, the phosphorus remained dark 4th Next a plate of sulphate of lime was interposed the emmintion passed freely through this 5th Alcohol was next tried, and with the same results as that of the last experiment 6 A thick (one inch) crystal was next interposed, the phosphorescence was as vivid with this as without it. Feby 10th 7 The emination did not pass through a specimen of white carnilean which was pelucid, but not transparent. 8 Passed through smoky quartz, an inch thick. 9 Placed a quantity of the phosphorous between two plates of quartz, and then wound wire around [[image - 2 rectangular objects circled 5 times]] the whole, and passed a shock from the jar through the wire, but no effect could be perceived. The phosphorous did not become luminous.
Transcription Notes:
At 9 to the left index of the page there is an illustration of the quartz and wound wire.
The description of the image and the next line as transcribed are on one line in the text.