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60 [[degree symbol]] - 81 [[degree symbol]]
[[underlined]] 8-5-64 [[/underlined]] overcast 71 [[degree symbol]] 9AM
Thrasher  Doves
Hummingbird  Eng. sp.
Cardinals  Mockers
Catbirds  Grackles
Titmice  Jays
Chim swifts

8-6-64  60 [[degree symbol]] __ 84
Wonderful day!
Thrasher  Martins
Hummingbird  House Wren
Downy  Crows
[[red pencil]] [[checkmark]][[/red pencil]] 1 [[Tomato?]] etc.
Jim at [[Wachapr.?]] ce w/[[haves?]]
8-7-64 68 [[degree symbol]] - 79 [[degree symbol]]
8-9-64  Sunday [[underlined]] 54 [[degree symbol]] - 78 [[degree symbol]] Cool[[/underlined]]
2-3 Chickadees  Jays
2-3 Titmice  Doves
hum bird  Martins
Wren  Mockers & young