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3-20-80 Thurs. 40°--63°
    VERNAL Equinox 6:10 A.M.
-- Spring is here!
     overcast all day; occ. weak
sunlight; wind S-SW, 5-15 mph.

4-5 White-crowns (5)                   8-10 Doves
3-4 Juncos (5)                         7-8 Crows
15-20 White-throats (5)                2-3 Jays
2 Bluebirds (5) [[superscript]]at box[[/superscript]] 200+ Grackles
1 Towhee ♀                             6-10 Red-wings
30-40 C. Waxwings                      1 Cowbird
50-75 Robins                           40+ Starlings
15-20 Cardinals                        10-15 House Sps.
3-4 Mockers                            2-3 Song "[[ditto Sps.]]
2 Flickers                             1 C. Wren
3 Red-bellies                          4-5 Goldfinches
3 Downys                               4-5 Chickadees
20-25 Ring-b-Gulls                     4-5 Titmice
1 Hairy ♂                              2 Nuthatches

[[end of page]]

                  Spring Peepers

[[circled *]] 1 Red-shoulder           2 Meadowlarks (5)
2 TVs                                  1 Field Sp. (5)
1 Killdeer                             1 Fish Crow

         Crows carrying more
grass to nest.

3-21-80 Fri. 57°--65° [[superscript]]Rain = 1.0"[[/superscript]]
Rain began about 1:20 A.M.
-- hard at times; wind S/
SE, 15-35 mph.  Very heavy, 
brief rain about 11:30 A.M. -- tornado 
watch 11:30 (lifted 1:30) -- rain again 2:00 
to 3:00 (wind [[underline]]NW[[/underline]], 2:00 to [[underline]]50 mph --[[/underline]]
much thunder to N.W. -- a very
stormy, turbulent day!

3-5 White-crowns                      8-10 Doves
4-6 Juncos                            7-8 Crows
15-20 White-throats                   2-4 Jays
10-15 C. Waxwings                     100+ Grackles
50+/- Robins                          8-10 Red-wings

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