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3-27-80 Thurs. 29°-58° Cloudless, frost; ice on bird-bath; wind N, 10-20 mph shifting to SE late aft. 3-10 mph. 3-5 White-crowns 8-10 Doves 4-5 Juncos 7-8 Crows 15-20 White-throats 2-3 Jays 20+ C. Waxwings 100+ Grackles 2 Bluebirds [[male symbol]][[female symbol]] 8-10 Red-wings 1 Phoebe all day 40-50 Starlings 40-50 Robins 10-15 House Sps. 15-20 Cardinals 2-3 Song Sps. 2-4 Mockers 1 C. Wren 2 Flickers 4-5 Goldfinches 2-3 Red-bellies 5-6 Chickadees 3 Downys 4-5 Titmice 1 Hairy[[male symbol]] 2 Nuthatches 1-2 House Finches (5) 2-3 Meadowlarks (5) [[end page]] [[start page]] Many Honey Bees at maple flowers. [[circled *]] 1 Red-shoulder 1 Field Sps. 1 Killdeer 1 Towhee 1 Pil. Woodpecker 1 TV [[underline]][[checkmark]] 1 Gr. Horned Owl[[/underline]] 2 Cowbirds 3-28-80 [[strikeout]]Thur.[[/strikeout]] Fri. 39°-51° Overcast; calm in A.M. light rain began 2:05 PM - increasing in aft. [[underline]][[checkmark]]2 Golden-cr. Kinglets[[/underline]] 8-10 Doves^4 (5)∆ 3-5 White-crowns ∆ (5) 7-8 Crows 3 Juncos ∆ 4 Jays 4∆ 15-20 White-throats ∆(5) 75-100 Grackles ∆(5) 20-30 C.Waxwings 8-10 Red-wings(5)∆ [[checkmark]][[underline]]2 Towhees[[/underline]][[female symbol]][[male symbol]]∆5 100+ Starlings 100+ Robins (5) 10-15 House Sps. ∆ 15-20 Cardinals ∆ (5) 2-3 Song "[[ditto Sps.]] ∆(5) 2-4 Mockers ∆ (5) 1 C. Wren (5) 2-3 Flickers (5) 4-5 Goldfinches ∆ (5) [[end of page]]