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[[preprinted]] 100 [[/preprinted]] [[top margin/pencil]] Haiti 36. [[/top margin/pencil]]
[[margin]] VIII-24-35 [[/margin]] Another of the days that seems to be wasted. 
[[margin]] J [[/margin]]
Finished notes and wrote letter [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]]s in morning. Planned to do an errand or two but didn't do any. Took a portrait photo of the motorcycle. The carbon removing, etc. that I did the other day made a new motor of it. I didn't have to stop once on the 1 1/2 hour climb to Kenscoff to cool the engine, and no knocks at all. It was full of the latter before. This was the largest repair I had done to it. I've adjusted the rear chain twice, cleaned carburetor, repaired a broken snubber, changed wheels to equalize wear, changed oil once, greased about once every 1 1/2 weeks, and once dissembled quite a bit to scrape mud. The half case of oil that I brought with me is nearly gone and last week I put in a gallon of Aviation Texaco (word sp?) #120. They didn't know the S.A.E. number. I have no idea of my mileage because I have no speedometer, but it can't be very high on the average,- perhaps 30 miles, because of the roughness of the roads which force second and low-gear speeds. Some places are plenty steep for the side-car load. 
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[[preprinted]] 101 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] VIII-25-35 [[/margin]] Sunday. Mr. Barnes took us on a hike above Petionville. 
[[margin]] J [[/margin]]
We drove about two miles above P. on the Kenscoff road and then climbed to the northward to the top of the ridge. 
[[margin]] I [[/margin]]
On the trail up we found five or six of the black [[underlined]] Cathons [[/underlined]] with white spot on the extremity of the abdomen. 
[[underlined]] Station 29. [[/underlined]] 
One mile west of Petionville, on ridge known as Morne l'Hopital. Elevation 2500 feet. 
[[margin]] J [[/margin]]
The view from the top is very fine, extending Gonave Island across Port-au-Prince and Cul-de-Sac Plain to the Etang Saumatre and the mountains of the Dominican Republic behind.
[[margin]] [[underlined]] Photo #23 [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]
In the other direction (south) can be seen Kenscoff, much higher, on the next ridge. 
[[margin]] I [[/margin]]
I found some fresh fungi on an avocado tree, but only one Staph larva was there. Later on I caught a fine bee or wasp. Also a weevil that landed on my leg. 
[[margin]] J [[/margin]]
We climbed about 500 or 600 feet in all and walked not more than two miles. The party consisted besides Ruth and me and Mr. Barnes of Jack Ruane, Mrs. McCarthy, and Mr Haber, a [[strikethrough]] Crosley [[/strikethrough]] Philco radio man. 
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Transcription Notes:
For appropriate [[underlined]] and [[strikethrough]] notation please refer to blue help tab to upper right.