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[[underlined]] Nov. 11 [[/underlined]]
Got daylight at
[[underlined]] Summit Park [[/underlined]] 
Country rolling & hilly, timber & grass streams & fields. Timber small Pinus. p. scopulorum & spruce - some brush
[[underlined]] Manitou [[/underlined]] A town full of pretty cottages among red hills covered with cedar -
[[underlined]] Colorado Springs [[/underlined]]
a good sized town at foot of Mts. on edge of plain, outlying ridges with P. scopulorum east of it. P. scopulorum is all small yucca angustifolia, com
Popple & oak brush.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
From Colorado Sprs. to Denver the R.R. is through foot hills & along edge of plains. Mts. w. of us - Farms & little towns Cornfields - 
Oak brush
Yucca angustifolia
Prairie grasses
Denver is not in the Mts. but on the plains -
is a pretty good town. full of life & stir, streets all torn up & building going on should think it half as large as Minneapolis. have tramped about all over it.

Transcription Notes:
Latin names checked. Anything I'm not sure of I've left in [[?]]. Left original spelling as TC instructs.