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[[underlined]] Nov 12 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] On R. [[/strikethrough]]
On C.R. 2 & P.R.R. 
Left Denver last night at 8.10 P.M. struck out across plains Got daylight at 
[[underlined]] Phillipsburg [[/underlined]]
Prairie, farms, corn, grass & wild sunflowers,- 
Land gently rolling -
Small streams and Frankiners verdis along streams native Cottonwood groves planted but small trees
[[underlined]] Smith Center [[/underlined]]
Corn cribs
Sod house
Clay soil
Tumble weeds -
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Republican River [[/underlined]]
Hazel brush - the first - 
[[underlined]] Scandia [[/underlined]]
All same
[[underlined]] Fairbury Neb [[/underlined]] - 
Hedges of Osage orange -
full of tumbleweeds -
[[underlined]] Beatrice [[/underlined]]
a river Bur oaks, the first - 
Elms " " [[Ditto for: the first]]
Soft Maple " " [[Ditto for: the first]]
Butternut " " [[Ditto for: the first]]
Popple " " [[Ditto for: the first]]
[[Sumachs?]] " " [[Ditto for: the first]] 
[[underlined]] Cortland [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Lincoln [[/underlined]], a good sized town on the prairie Size of Denver
[[underlined]] South Bend [[/underlined]]
Jack Oaks - the first -

Transcription Notes:
Latin checked - anything I'm not sure of I've put in [[?]]