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They saw no one that suited their idea of christ so most of them went away. 5 believed and became his followers.
Was baptized about the first of January, was 40 days in the wilderness then went to Cania to the wedding, where he quietly performed the miracle, then up to Jerusalem and cleared the temple of those who profaned it.
He seemed to do but little in the time or we love but little given on it - seemed in no hurry. but was sowing the seed in the desert.
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[[strikethrough]] John / [[/strikethrough]]
Nicodemas came to Jesus by night and asked what he should do to be saved.
Jesus often gave replys to incincere questions that were not satisfactory to those who asked them. but never to those who hungered for truth.
He gave Nicodemas much to think about in his reply but won a true follower as Nicodemas spoke for him in the council and took his body away when crucified.
The soil had been desert but Christ's work was springing up in fountains of life.

Transcription Notes:
please preserve misspellings