Viewing page 21 of 32

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Golden City, Mo.
[[underlined]] July 11 [[/underlined]]

Aegilais phoeniceus, com nest of 3 eggs.
Harporhynchus rufus, com. yg.
Icteria virens, com.
Icterus spurius, com.
Passerina cyanea, 1
Dendroica aestiva 1 [[male symbol]]
Redstart 1 [[male symbol]]
Seiurus auricapillus   1 killed
Corvus americanus heard
Spinus tristis, com.
Sialia sialis , a few -
Geothlypis trachis 1 [[male symbol]] [[com?]]
Vireo noveboracensis, 2.
[[underlined]] July 12 [[/underlined]]
Vireo bellis    2
Cathartes aura, com.
Minus pollyglottos 1
Zenaidura Macroura, com

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Empidonax acadica, ? 2 [[overwritten]] 1 [[/overwritten]] s.
Chordestes grammca 1
Little Heron 1.
Cyanascitta cristata, com.
Geothlnpis formosus, several.

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia:- Have these been checked? Think a #volunpeer has taken out notes. Redone. Have checked names and left original spelling in. For correct spellings see below Seiurus auricapillus = Seiurus aurocapillus Geothlnpis formosus = geothlypis Formosa Volunteer editor - I have gone through this and edited as per instructions as spelling is seen on page, plus adding other items left off. Not looking up correct info as instructions were to "write what is seen". Ambrosia:- Thanks for that. Instructions emphasise searchability and what Vernon's writing "looks like" isn't necessarily what he actually wrote eg his c's really look like e's, I's look like t's, T's look like Z's etc. Google is your friend when working out what Vernon wrote. Also the [[symbol]] seems to be the strange way he writes ? sometimes.