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3245 F St. N.W. - Bureau of Mexican Republics - Wash. Hon. Wm E Curtiss Marble Cave, Mo - June 28 4 P.M. at top 82° 5 " [[Ditto for: P.M.]] near spring 46° " " [[Dittos for: 5 P.M.]] spring water 46. Golden Cy. Barton Co. [[line across page]] [[strikethrough]] P. $1.00 O $1.15 .55 4.50 .10 1.15 [[/strikethrough]] Passerina [[female symbol]] 774x305x69 Feats 1/2 [[?]] 4/[[13?]] 1 [[image - dot surounded by 5 short lines and 3 dots]] [[strikethrough]] $1.55 ----- 9.25 [[/strikethrough]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 12 (85 7 N.W. Dickenson M.C. Conductor leaving Chicago at 12.20 [[line across page]] Mephitis, [[female symbol]] 600x260x68 July 1. Yeats; J 2/2, A. 2/2 P. 4/4 [[line across page]] Mephitis [[female symbol]] juv. 350x160x54 July 2. [[line across page]] Meph. [[male symbol]] juv. 360x164x54 [[line across page]] bottom of fall, 56° Salamander reom 58 - [[strikethrough]] 0. 2. [[underlined]] 5 [[/underlined]] L 1.50 Co P. .10 .40 [[vertically]] .25 .65 1.00 .75 .45 .15 ---- 3.25
Transcription Notes:
Pretty sure I've come across a Curtiss in Rose Cacti project
Passerina - cardinal bird family
Mephitis - skunk
Talawander - town in Ohio - while this may be true the word most likely reads Salamander which makes sense as he is around water and caves.... Thanks! Think you are right