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Dec Con
[[preprinted]] separation lines [[/preprinted]] B|E

Mon 8
^F took corn up to Vias about night^
^Robert got holly & trees all day^
^got package from Mary^
F to P.O. (sent package to
Mary) Mrs Conner in                             | 3
morning. Maggie Norman
Ruth & boy about noon

Tue 9
Robert getting trees stripped
tob. cloudy & foggy all day.                    | 4

Wed 10
stripped tob all day. Robert to
Marlboro & school. Franklin                     | 5
& I to Sears Roebuck in aft
rain all aft & night. F to Vias
at night. Robert out.

Thurs 11
stripped tob. F & F to Sears Roebuck
in morn. Gert & Florence in aft.             | 2
colder. F to Vias at night.
Robert got trees & holly also
took hay to McVay.

Fri 12
got truck out of woods
Robert to Frank Wards in aft                    | 8
F to BW. F to Vias at night
Robert to Bonds

Sat 13
F to Waldorf & Copseys.
Robert got xmas trees.                     2.40 | 3
F to Vias in aft. Brandt
& wife in aft.

Sun 14
Robert got trees. F to Vias
after dinner. F & I to Maggies,                 | 5
in aft. cold. a snow flurry
last night.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Dec Con
[[preprinted]] separation lines [[/preprinted]] B|E

Mon 15
^no one worked^
^Robert to movies at night. Kent.^
^cold got in some corn an^
fodder in morning. F & F to
Marlboro in morning. F & I
to Washington in aft & to                      | 7
Gerts. Robert took hay to Warranton

Tue 16
hauled in corn an fodder in
morning. Robert got trees.
F took hay to Jew. cold                   .90 | 4
Aggie. F to Vias at night. Robert
to movies in town with Myers boy.

Wed 17
Robert got trees. F & F to Waldorf
F to Vias at night. Robert                   | 6
to Richmond at night.
shucked corn

Thurs 18
shucked corn. Franklin fixed
on cellar door. Robert cut trees            | 2
gone all day            . F to Vias
at night. got gas for tractor.
nice day.

Fri 19
finish fixing cellar door. F to
Vias in aft. Robert got trees gone
all day & then to Washington for           | 5
tonight & tomorrow on market.
F to Hicks in aft.

Sat 20
load up corn. F to BW.
F to Copseys in aft. F to Vias        3.00 | 6
in aft. Brandt & wife.
Earl. Robert selling trees
              on market

Sun 21
rain last night and all day
today. F to Vias in aft & back            | 5
to do the milking & up there again.
Robert in town last night &
all day today.