This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[underlined]] July 31 [[/underlined]]. [[Pecas friage ?]] Ceryle alcyon 1 Icterus perisorum 1 pair [[Antrostomys macrinistex?]] 1 [[Carpolacas?]] a few Columbigalline said to be " [[Ditto for: few]] Cyrtonyx " " " [[Ditto for: said to be few]] Falco mexicaus & nest " [[Ditto for: Falco]] sparvius Buteo [[Ecriatis?]] com [[underlined]] Aug 1. [[/underlined]] to Painted Caves [[underlined]] To Langtry [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Aug. 3 [[/underlined]] Left Langtry 4 PM [[underlined]] Aug. 4 [[/underlined]] Valentine [[underlined]] Aug. 6 [[/underlined]] - Donald arrived [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Valentine [[/underlined]] Prosopis a few dwarf bushes Acacia constanta " " " [[Ditto for: a few dwarf bushes]] Koeberlinia " " " [[Ditto for: a few dwarf bushes]] Zizyphus " " " [[Ditto for: a few dwarf bushes]] Microchamnos common. Krameria canescus " [[Ditto for: common]] Nolina texana " [[Ditto for: common]] Yucca stricta " [[Ditto for: common]] " [[Ditto for: Yucca]] macrocarpa; scarce [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Mimosa biuncifera " [[Ditto for: scarce]] Grass - abundant [[pressed flower]]
Transcription Notes:
Checked species names. Kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm not sure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman