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Mon Feb 26th. Glad to be here and quiet. Invite from Joanna for [[strikeout]] Thurs. Opera. Donna Curiose. The new Italian Op. Called up to arrange to see by Crawford a propos of the ASS'n Portrait Painters. Went out for short run but have cold Mesrs Crawford and Roosevelt came at four. thirty. R a big man very Rooseveltian. and flatteur. DETERMINED that I shall join and I finally consented. We had tea and a rolled note was brought down from Jack to say that he was ill with a cold and in bed. They stayed late so I couod not go to him till near dinner time. Found him pretty mis but sure of being all right tomorrow. Anna made him some milk toast and we tried to coddle him up. Wentvto sleep and slept till one next day. Glad I ha dno engagement. Tues Feb 27th. Called up Birkheads and Mr B came and I had good sitting Told me inward reasons for his leaving St Georges. Shameful. Got on pretty well but must have another go at it. Found Jack pretty mis but insisting tht he was better. Fran came over with soup but he did not take much. Got up and came down to my lounge.. ery mis and I begging him to have doctor. NO... Finally took temp at six. 103.. Still would not have M.D. I had to go to the Art Students ass's promised to SPEAK. Went alone 15 Easr 41st st Mrs Belmonts plac[[e]]. Found a small but very good hall and quite a congregation of students male and female. Talked informally about the educati[[on]] of an artist. and was asked queations after. Sax boy very luminous face. SUFFRAGETTE talk after through which I had to stay and speak to the young peo le after. Very grateful. And who should come up but a very common place ghost.. Grace Leavit Peck...... Oh. Young Sax brought me home. Very[[?]] interesting young artist. Found Jack in great pain and still 103 temp. Consented to have M.D. I had to knel by bed and rub. Strange development.. Doctor (Glenny's) came at 10.30. Long exam and came out saying it was tonsalitis. Many directions. and prospect of sitting up and active nursing. compresse[[s]] etc. Left Codine. anesthetic. My heart sank. I dressed for all night up. but he slept and I lay on Joan's bed she sleeping in mine. Mrs G helped. and I had a good deal of