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Sun June 9th.
No type writer and very little place to write.
Cannot even look over papers.
Worked hard all day but got Sl (?) to lunch to eat up food got for T. and it was good.
Rest and up to work again. but it is so cold. 
Fire in eve always. and Sl.. Good long talk very deep and confidential.

Mon June 10th.
Natale at grass atlast and it is stubble now.[[upside down "the" typed in]]
He had to go to G and get implements. Money going everywhere.
Sl and I got wagon and went to G for plants..
Warmer and quite jolly time. Lobelia will be good.
Things left at florists all winter killed all but holly and ivy which is in wretched state.[[on left margin, typewritten upside down "ue" and under it "y"]]
Tues June 11th.
These days are just full of toil. Dont touch the studio except to see that Gufo is all right.
Siamese house burnt down ans we running to see in the morning. Sl there and joined me.
He is here every eve and this is how much to me.
Wed June 12th.
[[ upside down typewritten "e" in left margin]]  Went to G to see about haveing scarlet satin cleaned by Alison Davis. Did othere errands and quite enjoyed it. Stopped by to see Mrs Patch and at Delphine where I found Mr and Mrs at sup .
Confidence about A.P.A. and Chicago. Mr A is going.

Thurs June 13th.
Did not do hair and of course peeps came First Sl an soon a Colonel Brooks.[[ in left margin, upside down typewritten "g" and under it "0"]] Did not remember at first Very pleasant .. and wants me to drive. when I get back from N.H. O how I work.. Sl and I walked down to Davisons in eve .. No one there.

Fri June 14th.
At last a letter from J.W. and what a one. So stis factory. [[ upside down typewritten "e" in left margin]]I fear to enjoy too much for one can have only beginnings now. Am getting into my new writing room and it is adorable. 
Sl in eve.