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Tues June I8th.
  Woke up in delicious bed feeling I did not have to hurry . Everything so comfy . and delicious break brought up at just the right time with lovely rose on tray. also bunch of orchids from Mrs Day who alas is not here.
  Got myself ready to go out en matin white and was calling up Etta at the Whitneys when Mr Woolsey came delightful to see him polished and deep-voiced as ever. Was enjoying him when Lee Mc Clung ca came .. Neither stayed long and Etta rolled up with Mrs Whitney .. Fine big car and we went to the Bennetts. I wanted E to see the pics and the place too.
  It looked beautiful in summer glory and Hope was there not Mrs B. and more gracious than she used to be. Both pics looked well . I was proud of them actually. and it was a joy to show them to E. Ern came to in another car with one of the W girls. Then we went for go in the auto and back in time fo lunch at the Hadleys . Not Etta but some other women not very int . All the men of course a e fo gathering with thei Reunions. Young and old . Big cars came for us and we got off soon after lunch to the Ball Game. Heaps of Autos . Ours dec with blue flags. To Royal box of cou course and we were a little late as the marching and carreering of the classes in their costumes was going round. Wonderful Arab s Bedouins. and ahuge green caterpi lar made of men . Also a group on camels Bands playing and cutting up gene ally while the teams worked themselves up catching and pitching just below us . I dont know the game but got a little of it from Mrs H and Mr Bennet who sat on my othe side .Yale won but it was said to be a poor game.
  The cheering "led was the ,ost inspiring thing tha happened...Arthur Lud was there sitting near us. He was a Bedouin.  Then the e was a great procession and dancing of the their costumes and we ha to leave expecting to see them later at the Hadleys.
  Mrs H had a Tea and the Classes all came up to the side door where Mr H addressed them each appropriatel We had to rush and dre s for very du l dinner at 8 where I sat on hosts right and had to drag him throu